Not sure if this is in the right group or not..

Ok here's the short still pretty long version lol.. I'm 33 years old and have been married for 15 years now,I love my husband dearly he was my 1st everything I was 17 he was 21 when we got married. He has a child who is now 16 from his previous girlfriend. I've raised him as my own since he has no clue who his mother is..(very bad situation another topic) anyways we have had a good relationship ups and downs but that goes with any. We had a situation back 10 years ago when we moved to ohio (his hometown) thst he cheated on me. We fought for a while but we worked through it. Well January was our 15 years anniversary. Well I switched jobs and went from early morning shift as a server to night shift (3rd) working 12 hr. Days. We talked it over and decided this was what was best for us. We'll I switched jobs March 17th. By March 30th I had found out he was cheating again. I did the unthinkable and snooped through his phone yes I know I should never have done that. But it was to the point he would be gone till 4 in morning every night I was working and almost every night I wasn't. He'd take his phone everywhere and so on..I kept quite till April 11th. Finally couldn't take it so I broke down. Left 3 or 4 times only to come back hours later he's say sorry but continue doing what he was and I was obsessed with watch his every move I'd log into my verizon and read their messages as they were texting each other. He was talking to her hover min he'd get. If I left he'd be on the phone if I was sleep he'd be on the phone he'd go to the club where she worked everyday. Anyways I could get into way more but I don't want to bore yall. My thing is I have absolutely no friends haven't since I left my hometown,and really lost connection with the friends/coworkers I did have. Any question is anyone know of a good place to meet a friend I really need someone to talk to to vent I k ow it sounds ds dumb but I have noone he was my best friend and only person I ever talked to but I can't vent to him about him. He doesn't get why I'm so hurt.