Desperate for baby sleep help

My dd is 8 months old and hasn't slept well since she was 2 months old. I started a bedtime routine around 1 month and it worked great bath book and nursing she is EBF. She would go to sleep so easy then sleep 8 hours. Then went down hill. She goes to sleep easily after her bath I hold her and she goes right out. I used to be able to then put her down and she would sleep 3-5 hours in her crib. Now if I can even get her into the crib aslee she wakes up in an hour and needs to be put back to sleep. We live with my in laws who are loud which sometimes wakes her but even on quiet nights she still wakes. I end up bringing her In my bed around 12 when I go to bed because I was struggling getting 3 hours of sleep a night. My husband used to help but works most nights and the 3 nights he's home he doesn't help put her to bed anymore. It's been taking me hours of trying a night only for her to wake an hour later and I'm going insane having no time to relax alone. I REALLY don't want to do the cry it out method. She doesn't nurse to fall asleep and she'll fall asleep for her naps on my bed if I lay next to her it's just at night. Please I need some help in what to do. I try letting her cry a little when she wakes after I put her down but she just screams then tries to climb out of the crib to get me. I have tried letting her fall asleep in the crib with my hand on her it works okay sometimes but usually she just throws a fit.
Edit: she doesn't have reflux and never spits up or shows any signs of it.