Winter baby

My 4th came 6 days early. We were hanging out in a nearby city with my husbands mom waiting to pick up his dad and step mom from the airport. They were visiting for Christmas. I was having pretty good Braxton hicks and didn't think anything of it because I've never delivered before my due date. Then we picked them up around 11pm and drive the hour to our house. We sat around and shot the breeze till maybe 1 am. I was still having contractions. I wasn't worried or timing them because I was convinced they were just BH. So I go to bed and actually slept still 4:30. Then bam. My water breaks. Also a first. My water has never broke that soon in labor. So now I'm not lying to myself anymore. So I calmly brush my hair and put it in a pony tail then it's go mode. My last labor was super quick and only really an hour long. So this time we are about 45 minutes away from the hospital and  I'm praying I don't give birth in the canyon. This is Sunday morning. My husband is a pastor and he doesn't have anyone to preach because 6 days early. So he wakes his dad up and tells him he has to drive me to the hospital while my husband try's to get someone to cover the pulpit. So my FIL and his wife are driving me to the hospital with two of my other kids in the car. I'm super calm just thinking 40 more minutes 30 more minutes. Counting down till we get to the hospital. We get there and my dr checks me and I'm at an 8. I kinda stand around for twenty or so minutes. Get checked again and I'm at a 7!!! Can't believe it like shrunk so I get determined and go sit on the potty. This gives my baby a chance to move down. Super bad contractions at that point but I knew it was transition. I gave myself one more contraction and then walked back to my bed and asked my dr if I could start pushing. He made me wait till he had his gloves on lol. Then three or four good pushed and I had my little girl on my chest. By that point it had started snowing and my nurses were calling my baby the winter baby who brought the snow. Dec21. My poor husband missed the whole thing. The first time he missed one. But everything was great my water broke at 4:30 am and I had her at 6:44 am. And hubby did get surprised with the gender. He got there around 7:15 and no one told him if it was a girl or boy. He got see for himself. Long story lol.