Labor pains?

Has anyone had labor pains present as a kidney stone? I was 36 weeks pregnant and had pains in my back...only on one side. Totally felt like a kidney stone (I had one a few years back, not fun!). The pain was on and off and when it got really bad it made me feel nauseous. I had heard that kidney stones can be common in pregnancy so my mother in law took me into the hospital where I registered as having a kidney stone. They took me up to L+D just because of how far along I was in my pregnancy, gave me some morphine and took me for an ultrasound. The dr came into my room and asked me if my obgyn had checked me in the office at all...which she hadn't yet. So she checked me and I was only 1cm, which she said could be normal for someone 36 weeks and that I could be 1cm for a few more weeks even. They wernt sure what was causing the kidney pain but they said they couldn't give me more pain meds because they wernt sure if it was a stone or an infection or what. I was in a lot of pain (on and off) but when the pain came, it felt like someone sticking a hot poker in my left kidney, right under my ribs in my back. While they were waiting for the results of the ultrasound, my husband arrived at the mother in law kept saying "worse comes to worse they will keep you overnight and give you fluids to flush it out". 3 hours later the dr came in with the results of the kidney stone...what? She still wasn't sure what was causing the pain, but by that point I had already thrown up once from the pain so she knew something wasn't right. She asked if she could check me once more just to be sure. She did and I was 3-4cm!! "Guess what?, your in labor!" Is what she said. Here??? Now???? No, it wasn't the right time. We were on vacation 3 hours away from our house! She said we could drive to our hospital at home, but she wouldn't recommend it. She said we would have to fill out an AMA form (against medical advice) if we wanted to leave. We told her we wanted to do what was safest and she said that would be to stay there. So they admitted me, but my pain was still only on my one left kidney. The dr thought that was very very odd but apparently that's the way I'm wired. Later that evening when I asked for an epidural, she told me that because of the weird back pain, she wasn't sure if an epidural would touch it...but it sure did. I was numb and was one happy camper! The next morning our beautiful baby girl was born and once the epidural wa
s turned more kidney pain!! I didn't have a stone or an was just how my labor presented.....weird.