birth control problems

Jessica • 24. not TTC. i have a boyfriend❤️.
i know ive made a lot of posts about skipping the week of your birth control.. well i did and ended up getting a full blown period.. like heavier then what i usually get.. before the pill my periods were heavy (usually at some days in my cycle) and then i took the pill and it took it all away mostly, my bleeding was lighter and only 4-5 days vs 7 days. so now since i skipped the sugar pills this month i got like a 'real' period?? cramps everyday w/ mostly heavy blood its been 7 days already with no indiction of it slowing down (which i had never ever went through before even when i wasnt on the pill)... after im done with this pack which i end on the 15th of August should i skip again to get my body used to it or just let myself have a period again? because at this point i am so over everything.. ☹️ i just need help.. thank you..