Labor needs to start...

Diana • Landon Dustin Ledford 💙 August 7, 2016
So I have exactly 10 days left until my due date. I am going crazy though because last week my doctor checked me at 2 cm and 50% effaced. I have been having contractions but they aren't really consistent. Yesterday at my appointment he refused to check me since I was having contractions and he didn't want to interrupt the process, which is fine, I get it. But my problem is I keep having contractions and it's like every day they keep on and get worse but nothing happens. I can tell labor is near and even my doctor can. But it drives me crazy because the way these contractions are going I can't keep an exact count on them or when they start to get bad they slow down. And it is mostly back labor with the occasional pain in my stomach.. I am uncomfortable and in pain and physically exhausted.. Please tell me someone else has experienced this before and baby came soon or something?