I have a great idea.

Kailey • A girl in love with her hard working nurse • 3 angel babies & a Rainbow Baby Girl Hanalei! Pregnant with a second little miracle.
Since we all are going to walking with eachother during these next nine months (hopefully and prayerfully) we should get to know eachother on a more human level aside from just the intro board! What do you say? I'll go first.
My name is Kailey. I'm 30 and will have been married for five years on the 28th! I've known my husband Aaron since we were sophomores in high school. He's a hard working Critical Care RN and I just think the world of him. He's my everything.
I'm a business owner. I own two businesses, a Resident Care Facility for the Elderly (waiting to hear back from the state on our final facility approval!) and a Watercolor Silhouette Portrait business named Dapper and Darling where I'm a silhouette artist. This is our fourth pregnancy with three precious never forgotten angel babies and our hopeful Little Rainbow Bean due on March 11th. ❤️
Something silly about me is I'm hard core obsessed with the Office and Gilmore Girls and love love love listening to old 1940s radio shows (like the spooky stories lol).
I'll attach a photo of my husband and I.
I encourage you ladies to share about yourself a too so we can all become more like a family. 😘💕A very happy and very healthy 9 months to you all!