Alright mommas I need your help! FTM here

Victoria • Harley's mommy 💙👶🏻12-4-16 Due with baby #2 Oct 2024 👶🏻
Hi fellow mommies and mommies to be 💗
I'll be 23 weeks tomorrow and I don't know how to put this so bear with me, I'm going to try my best. I've been reading that the baby can hear your voice and hear music etc and that you're supposed to read and talk to them. I talk to him sometimes and hubby and i want to start reading to him but I feel like he really can't hear us and that it's silly to do. When I talk to him he doesn't move, his movements are at random. Do they really hear you reading to them and does it really benefit them? I don't need anyone commenting rude things like "wow you shouldn't be a mom!" I'm a first time mom and I'm new to this. I'd love to read to him I just want to know he can actually hear me and it'll benefit him. Thank you 💗