UTI? Or just overreacting?

I'm in a LDR and my boyfriend is over which means.. A lot of sex for a week or so. 
I know that you're supposed to pee after sex to rid your urethra of any bad bacteria that may have collected there that could cause a UTI. 
But I have noticed I've been needing to pee a lot more, and when I do it feels like there is a weird pressure on my pelvic floor. And I never feel like I've finished. So I feel the need to pee again almost immediately after. 
I feel like this could be UTI, but I've never had one but I'm not sure. So I'm confused. 
I also thought I found blood in my pee. But then when I got home, I think I'm spotting. 
I'm so confused as to what this is. And kinda worried. Wondering if I should stop having sex for a while cos it might make it worse or have caused it. I think I'll go to the docs. But I wanted a second opinion? 
Any advise is appreciated! :)