Is not vaccinating really that bad?

Bianca 👨‍👩‍👧💕 • 3.22.16 👶💖 proud mama of a 20 month old princess!
I did get my daughters 2 month vaccines, although the pediatrician made me feel super pressured. Now her 4 month vaccines are due and we're not really sure if we want to get those shots. I know the big argument is that if you don't then the baby can catch diseases, but children with the vaccines catch all the same diseases too. The main purpose for them is to stimulate their antibody production to be able to fight off the disease, but the babies aren't even able to produce the antibodies on their own at this age. Not until around 1 yrs are their antibodies in full effect. And their immature livers can't purge out the heavy metals and toxins in them. I also heard that there's a huge difference between a baby getting a sickness natually through the respiratory system and actually injecting the disease into their blood system. I know its a huge debate but I'd like to hear thought on these things. I'm not completely against them, as I've vaccinated my baby at 2 months. I just see it as useless if they can't fight them off through their antibodies and they can't detox the rest of the vaccine liquid because of their livers not functioning fully. I'm watching my daughter full time, she's not going into a daycare so you don't need to talk about how you need them to go into a daycare lol. Are any of you putting them off until their older or anything?? I'd like to hear what other moms are doing because my gut is telling me not to let them vaccinate her anymore until she's older with a more mature system.