Had a Scare!!!

After engaging in marital relations last night, I began to bleed bright red! "No, not again!" I said.  I had a miscarriage prior to this pregnancy and the bleeding started to look all too familiar. I thought the worse, and although I wasn't scheduled for my first scan until next week at 9 weeks I decided to just show up at my obgyn's office first thing this morning praying that they can work me in for an appointment. I was able to be seen at 3 pm today and I saw my baby's heartbeat fluttering! My calculations and <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.nurture">Nurture</a>'s were accurate--the baby measured 8 weeks 2 days. Everything is okay, although my doctor couldn't really tell where the bleeding was coming. From last night to today, the bleeding has changed to brown spotting (old blood), and I am glad. Doc said that sometimes it's normal for women to spot/bleed. Yet, I need to see that my baby is fine.