For anyone ttc

My husband and I started trying last July after I got my iud removed. It was February and many negative test later I decided to just work on my body. I started a diet that had me taking hcg drops. Me and a friend started the diet about a week apart. It is a very strict diet that last about 2 1/2 weeks for me. I lost 10lbs and wanted to lose more but got side tracked. However I did continue watching what I drank and ate because I felt better. Well then March came around and my friend and I both found out we were pregnant on the same day. Well this diet has a big following and support group. It isn't uncommon to become pregnant on the diet. Over weight women or women who carry extra fat tend to produce more estrogen and this can cause low fertility. I have told more women about it and it has worked for them. I'm not saying you have to go on a strict 500 calorie diet but if there is a chance you get pregnant then what's to lose besides the lbs. I hope this helps women.