Labor help?!?!

I am currently 30 weeks and I have such a strong gut feeling I'm going to have my baby way soon! I've been keeping diarrhea and staying nauseated. My baby has flipped an moved down an my vagina is killing me every now an then in pain. I've gotten a huge burst of energy an cleaned my home. I have also been having some BH contractions I have also experienced period like cramps an lower back pain with increase in a skimpy yellow green mucus discharge from my lady bits. I can't get my healthcare providers to take me seriously and strongly feel that within the month or so I'm going to deliver early. Has anybody had this feeling an been right? Are these signs of labor? Could I be losing my mucus plug or pieces of it? Ladies please please help! I am a FTM and kinda lost here! Tonight an tomorrow I'm finishing my nursery an packing my hospital bag. It never hurts to be well prepared