

Any other mamas dealing with hypoglycemia? I found out I had it during my last pregnancy when my midwife was looking at my blood work. It has never really effected me unless I missed a few meals over a few days (which is easy when you are a mom) and then I would just eat a few good meals and stuff myself and be back to normal.

This pregnancy I have been so nauseous and food has smelled and tasted bad so for a full week I only ate instant potatoes with corn, mac n cheese, and pizza because it soaked up all my stomach acid and took the nausea away but a week of all that food turning into sugar took a hard hit on my body. I was so shakey, weak, dizzy, nauseous, and exhausted I couldn't stand or take care of my kids. I called my midwife and she has me on a strict diet of veggies, meat, small amounts of sour fruit, and grains that are harder to break down. I feel much better since I started this 3 days ago but when I tried a few bites of McDonald's oatmeal after eating a whole salad with a grilled chicken breast I got really shaky and weak. I stopped eating it and about 15 minutes felt normal again.

I am so scared I seriously screwed up my body and will never be able to eat sugar again, even in small amounts. Even worse I am worried about the toll this has taken on my baby (7 1/2 weeks). As far as I know I have non-diabetic hypoglycemia. I have 2 more weeks until my first midwife appointment, anyone gone through this? Thank you to anyone who has read this long post.