Asking for a friend


A very close friend recently confessed something to me. Her and her husband have been actively trying to get pregnant at the time for 8months with no luck. Hefoind out he's very low sperm count and she has scaring on her certix and its tilted making it very hard to conceive. Well they gave up and although she says they have an amazing sex life she told him back in Nov last year she wanted to try a taboo lifestyle. (Swinging)....

He confessed he was interested to and they knew a mutual friend of her ex boyfriend. They were best friends since grade school and she met him through her ex and they all became good friends. She introduced him to the husband. You get the idea. Well she talked to the guy and they all agreed to the idea. Long story short, she met with the guy with her husband agreeing to the meet. He apparently is really small she said "baby dick" small... According to her he couldn't get it in and he didn't get off. So now she's pregnant and is worried its the guys and not her husband.

She is wondering if she had a cycle in Feb and it was short but normal and got with the guy mid march, found out she was pregnant around easter weekend could he be the dad? She was 5w when she went into the er a few days later from the test taken and showing positive. due to bleeding and is around 23-24w now