Back to back baby blues?

Sorry in advance for the rant & I wasn't sure what group to post in - Posting this anonymously because of how guilty & horrible I feel for having these thoughts but just looking for some advice.. My first is 11 months old. My husband & I had one accident, ironically on my most fertile day & got pregnant again when she was only 3 months and now I'm due with baby #2 a few days after her first birthday (It's a boy💙) I was initially terrified about whether or not I'll be able to keep up with two little ones at once, but I'm also so happy that they'll be so close in age & we do want a big family anyway. As my due date gets closer & closer I find myself.. Well, just sad, scared and lost. My first is my entire world & I know this sounds irrational and dumb but how will I ever love another baby as much as I love her? I'm convinced it's impossible. How will I balance two little ones and make sure  I give them both the time & attention they need? I'm used to spending 24.7 with my daughter and the idea of change & having to share that time overwhelms me, i don't want to feel this way anymore. I feel like a horrible mom to my second and he isn't even here yet. Just looking for any advice or thoughts if anyone's gone through anything similar :(