Pink cm and sharp belly pains advice please!!

Emma • TTC #2 with OH, been TTC since OCT 2015 Successful tube unblock on both sides OCT 2017! 1st Cycle IVF Jan/Feb 2020 successful!! 👦 💙 Second round Aug 2023 Frozen transfer 🤞 Trying and praying 💙❤️
Ok so I'm a bit confused, last night I had a positive opk however I had pink cm when I wiped and today have short sharp stabbing pains in the left of my tummy next to my belly button. AF due in 11 days, feel a little nauseous but did have lots of wine yesterday at BBQ so may be that 🙈🙄. Never had pink cm when I've ovulated nor these twinges and sharp pains? Anyone else has these symptoms before? And got their BFP
Thank for reading xxx