2 weeks of Labor down, more to come!

Morgan • Going to be a momma to two here now! Can’t wait to meet the new munchkin ❤️
I am 33 weeks 0 days now. Went into preterm labor at 31 weeks 0 days, I became 2cm dialated and 70% effaced at that time. They gave me steroids to help his lung fe elopement and slowed the contractions with medication,
But the contractions never stopped. I am still in the same place, have gone to the hospital twice between now and then and spent a total of 5 days and 3 nights (one long stay, one one day stay) hooked up to machines. I have been in constant pain and having contraction for the last two weeks but my OB won't put me on bedrest because there are controversial studies whether bedrest does anything to help or not. So I have to keep going to work since I don't have a doctors note saying I can't work otherwise I will be fired and not have a job to come back to after my maternity leave. Even though I work in a daycare where kids are constantly climbing on me and I have to crawl on the floor to clean up the toys when they're done playing. It has been a struggle but we're trying to work through it. My fiancé is constantly worried about me and I don't even want to go back to the hospital for anything now because I feel like they are just going to tell me to go home and "deal with it" again. I feel like no one is trying to help me and my fiancé and I just feel anxious to meet our boy, and are sick of this constant pain and waiting game. I don't sleep at night, and he is begging me to break my water just so that we can meet our baby boy and not had to endure this anymore despite the fact that he would be early and probably have to stay in NICU. This has been one of the hardest things I've had to do in my life with painful contractions as close together as no break in between, and as far apart as one every hour. More than anything  we just want our baby so that we can hold him and play with his little toes. It feels like we're being teased being constantly in this state.