Now im ready ☺

Adika • just a bomb ass mom who all her dreams came true when i gave birth to my son. wifey since nov 2016
had a rough week wanted to complain about everything and did... forgot to be grateful and thankful and realize how blessed I really am... sometimes you just lose perspective on things when you don't feel good...and it's not all about me anymore and I'm okay with that and I feel so much better mentally and physically and I feel like I'm ready now... being 36 weeks I can get through these last few weeks with positivity and joy, I'm still going to be anxious but i'll be a happy anxious and not a negative one.... so if any of you ladies are struggling like I was hopefully you'll see this and say there is light at the end of the tunnel and everything's going to be okay .... especially as first-time moms our lives are about to change for the better and I'm about to get the most precious gift in the world... I just wanted to get that off my chest 😊😙💪👣❤