Just venting I guess..

I have a very narrow vagina I can't even use tampons they just don't fit and it hurts if I can actually shove one up there. Just ouch. I thought after being sexually active it would relax a little but no! He's too big he never ever fits we use so much lube it's not even funny and I'm naturally very wet already. I know he has to be tearing me because it feels like sandpaper after. He doesn't last too long (usually) so it's not that I'm getting too dry during.. I don't know what it is but it sucks and I don't enjoy sex anymore. But furthermore I feel NOTHING! I can't feel him go into my vagina(aside from pain.) I can't feel him inside. I can't feel him cum. I can't feel any kind of ENJOYABLE stimulation. I don't know if he's just bad at sex(he's my first) or if I'm broken or what the problem is but ITS A FREAKING PROBLEM! I tell him to try different things and he does but I still feel nothing. I get off on clitoral stimulation only and that's even hit or miss. I let him finish most times but sometimes the pain is very literally unbearable. And I hate how much lube we use. I should have plenty of lubrication naturally! I just ugh. I don't enjoy it. I love the intimacy with him and sometimes when I can get off on clitoral stimulation it's really really great but otherwise I'm just getting nothing from it except the intimacy.