I finally threw in the towel.

My son will turn a month on the 17th and I stop breastfeeding him by that I mean latching him I'm on 4days now that I made that choice. I have been pumping little bit from each boob until my breastmilk dries up. Reason I stopped was because I felt trapped in my own home. I was literally falling into depression, on one side having my husband constantly pushing me to breastfeed and not being able to do anything like do housework or attend to my other son, the baby will have me tied down to feed him every 20-30 minutes I would panic when he would cry and had to latch him on and not get full.. I couldn't do it.. I really give props to those mammas that do breastfeeding full time! I don't know how you guys do it but much respect!! Now that I started giving him formula I feel free and more myself now. All I can say I tried I really did. But it was consuming me emotionally.