Sleep regression/hoarse from crying

Ok, so I feel so terrible. My almost 5 month old son is going through the 4 month sleep regression and I tried letting him try to self soothe tonight but 4 mins into crying he started screaming louder than he's EVER screamed and by the time I got to pick him up he was so hoarse that he couldn't even make a regular cry, just a crackly hoarse whine. I feel so bad! He's always been a very quiet crier and I guess his little voice just couldn't handle it. Anyone else have this problem with their LO? Also, any suggestions to help him get past the need to cry if he wakes at night? I'm exhausted and not sure how many more nights I can take waking up ever 1-1.5 hours to calm him down for 30 mins. 😖 any thoughts would be appreciated! Thank you!