Just got 1st scan dates!

So I just got my date for my first scan and it's in a week and a halfs time. According to my calculations I should be 14+4 when I go but I'm just struggling with worry a bit. I had some nausea and fatigue, slight weight gain and some small cravings but I'm still struggling to feel pregnant. (Infact I'm worried I've had a silent MC) I am most concerned I'll get there and they'll tell me there is nothing there. I'm dreading looking at the screen incase! People say I'm a lucky to have no symptoms but I conceived again directly after a MC at 5 weeks with no AF in between and the anxiety has just got to me! Praying that my little one is fine and healthy and the same to all you other expectant mums and good luck to all who are TTC too! ❤️