I love my husband more than my kids

Is what a coworker said! A few people agreed and I could not believe it. Her reason was her kids are going to grow older, fall in love, get married and move on. Her husband was there from the beginning and always will be. I did not mean any harm but I told her " your husband can decide to pack up and leave any day and he'll no longer be your  husband. He'll be your ex husband. Your kids are forever. You will never have an ex son or daughter. She stood firmly about how she felt. I feel sorry for her kids. I would NEVER put anyone before my kids. Me and my husband even talked about this and he agreed. We put our kids first and everything else after. It doesn't mean we don't love each other we just love our kids as well. This also remind me of my good friend who has a 4 yr old and a live in bf. She definitely puts that man before her child which I find crazy. Instead of using the money her ex husband gave her for their sons back to school clothing she gave it to the bf for his court fees! Then call begging me to help her get him some school clothes!  How do you feel about loving your so more than your kids? Opinions