Stressful day


You ever have one of those days where your significant other just gets on your nerves no matter what he does. I asked him to step away from his games and help with dinner this afternoon, just chicken that needed marinating, but when he came up I told him I was thinking of just putting the chicken in this Italian salad dressing until dinner tonight and he says "yeah sounds good to me" and walks back to his game. No I didn't exactly tell him to put the chicken in the bag with dressing but I was busy making myself food on the stove, you'd think he put 2 and 2 together. I shrugged it off, whatever. Now for the best part...

I asked him to pay for lunch. (He buys all the groceries.) Just wanted to go to the store down the road and buy bread for our 1.5 year old and something for me since I'm 9 months pregnant and always hungry. He said he's not hungry and when he becomes hungry, he has a frozen TV dinner he can eat. That's all fine and dandy but that leaves the kid and I with nothing. So he said to feed our kid hot pockets and goldfish and I can have tuna fish.

Come on, HOT POCKETS?!?! who'd feed their 1.5 year old hot pockets. It makes me wonder what the kid eats when he's alone with father.

Rant over. Thanks for reading.