Help!!! I need advice

Ok so this is insane and I'm not good with all the love stuff so I could really use some help! I was on vacation and enjoying my solo life when my sister found a boy and wanted to go to the beach so Ofcourse my mother made my anti social butt go with her and turns out the boy she was meeting had a friend with him and turns out we were inseparable we spent as much time together as possible we met each other and he managed to tear down every wall I had built up over the next 5 days without me being able to stop it if I didn't know better I coulda sworn we were soul mates and our parents new it to I cried the whole way home because befor I left he swore it wasn't goodbye he lives about two hours from me is it possible that this is something that could work? I've never had a boyfriend better yet an amazing guy who adores me I'm 18 and he's 20 could we build more is it possible that we will start a life together I've never felt this way should I cut it off befor it becomes more painful? Please help me !!!