He's so attached to his mom 😱

My boyfriend and I have been in a relationship for around 4 months he's the sweetest guy I've meet bit he's a major mommas boy... he is 24 and lives at home as he's almost done with his schooling. His mom is so crazy and controlling she makes him drive up 3hrs to pick up his site from college every month, clean her apartment and buy groceries for her (the sister is afraid to drive...she's 23) so this past week was his b day and he had to drive to get her then drive her car back. On Thursday I found out that he sleeps on an air mattress with his mom when he sees his sister which creeped me the hell out. We got into a slight argument about how I thought that was inappropriate for his age... the mom called me hours later yelling at me saying I ruined his birthday ( his b day is this upcoming Wednesday) and that he is a child who should enjoy life and that she celebrates his b day the whole week for him and I didn't care about him blah blah the she told me that I shouldn't contact the rest of the day. He called because he sensed something was wrong and I told him she won't talk to me know. I just feel so weird about things she makes him come home at a certain time she makes him see his dad every Friday for visitation like he's a child she even demands he takes a shower and now I found out he sleeps with her when his sister and mom could easily sleep on the same mattress will visiting it's just sickening they watch movies run errands together Jim and his sister act like they're in an relationship they're so close. When he's visiting his sister they do any thing she wants it's like Andrei eye big celebration... it's sickening. I feel bad because I care such about him but his mother is crazy and he acts like a child... what should I do?

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