Relationship problems

Okay so me and my bf were together for 3 years have our own place and car and a dog we have responsibilities together.. Well we broke up this month and still do everything like usual but we just "aren't together" but we also have sex still too.. Well last month we both lost our jobs and I found a new one and started and I work over night sometimes and we can't pay rent and stuff so I've been husslin just to get money to pay our bills while he doesn't do anything for us. He is always calling me a bitch saying I ruined his life and he hates me and today he just keeps telling me that I keep crying cuz it hurts that isn't what u tell someone u love. And then he will be nice and then mean and nice and he's so bipolar and rude I am only 17 and he is only 20, I'm waiting for november 5th my bday to move into my own place and get my own car and be happy I can't do this after all the effort I put in this relationship most gfs would have left by now but no I continue to clean up after him feed him help him and give him unconditional love.. I can't do it anymore he's pushing me away. :(