Does this count as cheating??

Long but please read and give me your opinion ..... :(

my boyfriend watches porn, I've known this since we started dating, I never really cared about it but neither did it made me happy well, ever since I got pregnant I haven't wanted to have sex (hormones I guess) , I have also been feeling super insecure and all this types of way soo when my boyfriend went to sleep I checked his phone and found he had been in this website watching porn I did got upset but it wasn't anything new so I tried ignoring it, I checked his snap chat n realize he also follows/ is friend with some girls that look like porn stars or just regular girls that like being hoes? Idk , the next day I made a comment on how I thought sending or receiving pictures of someone else was not okay so that same night I checked his phone again and he had deleted them, it has been a week now and I checked his snap chat to realize he had add some new girls again, it's not like he talks to them he just views their stories and stuff, but my question is, should I count this as cheating or just as "porn"

For those wondering how he got their names is because the porn site suggested them to him...