What is he feeling?

so last night I got taken advantage of at a party for the first time ever. (I'm very drunk but surrounded by friends and people I trust except these three guys that were randos that knew a few people from high school). we were all sat around a picnic table. some standing, some sitting. when I realized I was sitting in between two of the randos and one behind me. one started putting his hands on my leg and scooting closer so I took it off and leaned forward to tell my friend that I trust what is happening. as I leaned forward I feel three hands on my ass so I turn around and yell at all of them to cut it out and that I have a boyfriend and regardless of that it is not okay. I walked away with the same friend that I was leaning towards and called my boyfriend to pick me up. he picked me up instantly and took me back to his house. he got me pjs, water, and ice cream and helped me sober up a little bit but I felt like there was something wrong. I caught myself apologizing and he stopped me and said not to apologize because I did nothing wrong and not to blame myself. he said that he's not mad at me at all but he's pissed at the guys. I could tell he was trying to stay calm for my sake but he was frantically looking them up and trying to figure out who they were. we cuddled and even though I flet desgusting and was crying he made me feel safe. we even had sex that night and talked until 4 am but today he has been so distant. I'm not sure what he is feeling and it's hard not to blame myself. am I overthinking it? do you guys think he's mad or upset or anything new? I don't know what to do...