It's A????????

It's a boy😱😭😭😭 I feel so so blessed to be having a another!!! I can't believe it! But man I'm kin
My son who's 4 so believed that it was a girl. He even had me believing it was a girl. Only because somehow he knew I was pregnant before I ever told him like he had a 6th sense about it. the day after I found out I was pregnant,  he ran up and told me mom u have a baby in there. it was so weird because only I knew and u hadn't told anyone. So I'm still in shock, it's really a boy, I was not prepared for this. I was looking in all things pink and frilly, now I have to redirect my thinking and it's going to take more than a day. I tried so hard to be unbias but as it was getting closer and closer to find out my desire for a girl grew stronger. 
with how far apart they will be which is 5 yrs I was kinda hoping I could have one and one and be done. Don't get me wrong, I'm incredibly excited boys are so much fun, and I'm not trying to sound ungrateful for my sweet blesings. but as my oldest is getting older I'm finding I have less things in common with him he adores all things daddy! Meaning whatever daddy does or says is the way it is. I used to trump daddy but as he is starting to gain more and more indrpence I'm no longer needed as much and kinda feel like I'm on the sidelines. 😔 I was kinda ready for the the dolls, and tea parties. 
I just really wanted my children to be close in age if they were going to be the same Gender. And because they will be far apart I'm worried they won't get along more than anything. 
I know I need to put those fears aside! I'm sure My boys will love eachother and be best of friends. At the end of the day it's a boy! And looking at the positive side of having another baby boy is that I make very handsome boys I know that for a fact. His big brother has plenty of toys and is a good sharer. His big brother can also help mommy and daddy with many things and keep him entertained. Plus I saved everything so He is set! I tried really hard to stay gender neutral so I could save it anyway lol. 
The only thing I'm having a hard time with is finding a boy name that goes good with Tristian if u have suggestions is love to hear them. Thanks.
Ps. I know I'm not the only one who had their heart set on a specific gender only to have to redirect their thinking and I know that doesn't make u love them any less. And I'm not being or trying to sound ungrateful. I'm more than excited for my sweet little one and can't wait to meet him so please keep ur negativite comments to urself.Â