Not sure what to do...

TL;DR: Do I tell my family I am eloping and try to invite them again or burn the bridge and do it without their knowledge due to their constant negativity and hurtful words towards me and my fiancé? 
So my fiancé and I have been together for almost 5 years now I think. We're engaged and ready to get married. And up until yesterday, my parents had offered to foot the bill for a small family wedding for the two of us. So I've been setting up appointments and what-not for a little wedding next summer. 
Then yesterday, my family calls to tell me that they "don't want to pay for a wedding when the marriage is going to fail." I have no clue where they got that idea. My fiancé and I have been through 3 years of long distance, a miscarriage, school and work, job changes, homelessness... Like we have beat all of those terrible things and come through the other side still committed, still in love, and still laughing. I feel like that's a good indicator of how our marriage will be, but somehow my family thinks we will divorce. They live states away in Texas while we live in Tennessee so they have no way of knowing what stuff is like, they're just guessing. They literally told me that because we are "young, poor, uneducated, and had an out-of-wedlock pregnancy that we are destined to fail." And my dad said that "nobody in my family could come to my wedding feeling anything but dread. They would not be happy and would just wear fake smiles in formality." Like verbatim, he said that to me. I am so hurt. I don't understand how they can feel that way towards me and the man that has supported me more than they have. Anyways, a wedding is now off the table, because we are "poor" so we are going to elope. I'm not at all upset about that, because that's honestly what I wanted to do in the first place. 
But at this point, should I elope and not tell my parents? Or should I try one more time to extend an invitation? I'm trying to be the bigger person because they have done nothing but try to tear me down and try to manipulate me into breaking up with him since I got pregnant 1.5 years ago. I really don't want to burn the bridge with my family by not inviting them because I love them, but it seems like all they feel towards me is negativity, which I really don't need to have in my life anymore. What should I do?