His other baby momma

Hello beautiful ladies!!

I have a situation that is causing a bit of stress... My bf came from Jamaica in Aug. 2015. I met him in Oct. 2015. When we started dating he shared with me about his first son (2 year old now) & I was fine with that. Now, after 10 months dating I went through his phone and found baby pictures of a little girl (6 months). So I confront him about it and he finally confesses that he has a 2nd baby ! :o also in Jamaica. I'm furiously upset because he hid it from me for so long! & not only that, he also shared with me that him & his 2nd baby momma weren't "broken up" when he came to America. One night she kept calling and calling and he wouldn't answer it in front of me.. So I became suspicious & That's what made me go through his phone & I discovered it all. His 2nd baby momma sent various texts messages saying: " you shouldn't be having a baby", "go talk to your new baby momma" , "I am gonna block you , don't call me anymore", "I'm gonna kill myself...". His excuse was " he didn't know how to tell me bc he didn't wanna hurt my feelings. & he thought I'd leave him if I found out". I honestly, just want us to work out and move on from this mess. Which I know is almost impossible bc his 2nd baby momma still calls and texts him pretty often. I love him and I want him in my baby's life. I'm 5 months pregnant from him. We're both only 20 years old and I truly don't know what I should do about it all. I want our baby to be raised with the father around. What do you ladies think? Please be honest. We have lots to learn that's for sure.