I haven't had time to post being my first few days, but here's my birth story...

Monday, August 8th, I had a regular check up at 3 pm with my OB and she checked me for dilation and stretched me. When I left I was 3 cm dilated and 80% effaced. She said I could go into labor within the next 24 hours. At around 7 pm I called labor and delivery because I had been having contractions and major back pain since and they said I should come in so they can see what's going on and monitor me. I got to the hospital at about 8 pm and they put me on the monitors. I was having contractions about every 4 minutes and I was then 4cm dilated and 100% effaced. After being monitored for 4 hours I wasn't progressing anymore so they sent me home at midnight. My mom and I went to the store and she got me fresh pineapple and I got home and ate a tiny bit then went to sleep. I woke up the next morning and finished the pineapple at 11 am. Around 3 pm I started getting really bad contractions and back labor. I tried to stay home as long as I could, but I was rolling around on the floor bawling my eyes out from the pain. My mom finally didn't give me a choice and called labor and delivery around 6 pm. I got to the hospital at 7 pm and they already had my room ready and told me "We're having a baby tonight." The nurse got me in my gown and checked me and I was 6 cm dilated. About 20 minutes later I asked for an epidural, but they hadn't got my lab work back yet. I started getting angry and yelling at my nurses for and epidural. "I want an epidural now! Where's the guy with my f****** epidural?!" My doctor checked me and I was now at 8 cm and they still hadn't got my lab work back. By 9:16 I was ready to push and at 9:18 pm on August 9th my son was born. Just as my son is coming out the guy with my epidural knocks on the door to my room and my mom says "Your epidural is here." and everyone just laughed. I'm so glad it took so long for my lab work to come back though because I had planned my whole pregnancy to go natural. I had no choice. Haha!
Liam Gresyon Geboy born August 9th 2016 at 9:18 pm. 5lbs 14oz and 19.5 inches long.
He is doing very well adapting to home. Poor little guy has a broken arm though. Not sure if it's genetic or from delivery. Just keeping it immobilized and following up with Nationwide Children's in 2 weeks.