Maaan!! Tmi!! Lol

Man listen! Lol I thought I was going into labor. Every 3 mins my tummy wud contract and be in so much pain as me and my boyfriend are out walking (playing pokemon go lol) so I'm like "babe idk but my tummy is on one and I think ur daughter wants to come early" seeing that I'm 32wks 2d...he looks at me and say "um no not today ur too early" as we walk a lil bit more all of a sudden I start cramping again and this time I literally almost pooped myself lol like really pooped myself....I ran so fast to the bathroom I never seen a big pregnant girl run so fast in my life lol....I kno this is tmi but the way these cramps are set up idk if ima have to poop or be in actual labor when the time comes lol....hopefully I'm not the only lady this has happened to cuz if so I'm so embarrassed