Mom Rant. Ugh

Sorry for the long story. But I just need someone to understand what the issue is. My mother is 45 years old and is not capable of being independent! I want to tell her to grow up and to start doing things for herself! She is controling and very obsessive! Growing up we were never allowed to hang out with friends after school, have sleep overs, go to the movies/mall or even have a job in high school. She made me have an abortion at 17 or she was going to kick me out onto the streets and have my bf arrested for rape. (He was 19). 
So here's a little backstory. She ended up getting pregnant at 17, and eventually had 3 kids by the time she was 26. She ended up graduating hs. But never applied herself to do better. Each of us kids have different dads who were never apart of the picture. We 'kids' are all adults now and our ages are 20, 26, and 28. After high school I ended up moving away to college and graduated and continued with my masters as well. I loved being away from her and the independence came with it! I also got married and just had my first kid at 26. My husband and I moved to TX and we are 8 hours away from her and I'm loving it! The only thing is she expects me to text/call her everyday! I told her I'm a grown adult, a full time mom, wife and employee and I'm too busy. She has also expressed that when she gets older that my husband and I are to take care of her, because she said so 🙄 she has 3 kids but decided to pick me because she assumes I'll be making the most money and will cater to her needs. Yes. She literally said that. 
She is also currently going through a divorce. Her soon to be ex husband also moved away to TX but 6 hours away. It hasn't even been 2 weeks since he moved and she's depressed and she said she needs to work it out with him because she can't live on her own and do things by herself. When he was here, she literally made him go everywhere with her. To the grocery store, the nail salon, made him drive everywhere cause she's too afraid to drive to certain areas. Anyway, she said if he takes her back then she will be quitting her job and moving to TX too. The thing is she wants my sister (20) to drop out of college and come with her! When me and my sister come home to visit her doing the holiday breaks, we still have a curfew, have to ask for permission to do things and tell her where we're going and who we will be with at all times. 
By the way, she has no friends so she doesn't go out and instead of telling a friend all the nasty details about their divorce she decided to convey it all to me. EDIT: While I was pregnant. I had so many medical  issues myself. I don't need to hear you bashing your ex. It was a constant thing. When she came to visit I was breastfeeding my daughter and she HAD to come into the room and start telling me details of her relationship and why he's such a bad person. Like I'm trying to breastfeed. Really?! I couldn't care less. Also, Because she has no friends, her ex husband had to stay and hangout with her all the time. So he couldn't even go out. I doubt he's going to take her back but if she moves, we will be in the same state again and she will expect to see me more often. I can't take her smothering me. 
I just don't understand how a woman feels as though she NEEDS a man in order to be happy. She is very dependent on others and her kids. How do I get her to see the value of independence and being a strong woman?????