Back labor


All you mommies out there who had back labor...

I have a uti and went to hospital last night with back pain that had me sweating and shaking with chills. I was afraid the meds they put me on werent helping and i didnt want to have it spread to kidneys. Had a low grade temp of 99.5 and babies heart rate was a little elevated. Had a few contractions and they drew blood. White count was a little elevated but I was told I had a resistant uti and they called me in a different antibiotic.

Went to my doc to check on her today and heart rate was better but I had about 4 contractions on the monitor. Doc tells me it looks like I'm trying to go into early labor but since my cervix was closed per the l and d nurse last night just hydrate and we'll see ya later.

I'm at work and I'm having bh contractions like always but my I feel a constant pressure in my back, low mostly but I'll get this wave of squeezing throbbing pressure every once in a while and I'm wondering: does back labor feel like a kidney infection? I was so scared of this uti but the docs arebt making as bug a deal out of the infection as they are the contractions. Cause Lord help if that's what I'll have to go through the next few weeks. 😣😣😣