Stay abroad or go back home FTM


I am 29 years old and about to finish my masters abroad. I am 13w 2d pregnant and I feel completely on my own in this even though I live with my boyfriend. The reasons why I feel like that are multiple

1) I feel very insecure with the health system here. I only have access to a midwife and no matter what other health issue comes up I have to get appointed to another doctor by her, meaning that when I mentioned a problem that I have in my thyroid with masses and requested monitoring cause I could feel them growing, she disregarded my request since she thought it wasn't that important ( but does she really have the education to judge something an endocrinologist should monitor)? Furthermore, I never get any results, they keep everything in the system and I don't even know the measurements from the pappA and NT test to tell my doctor back home.

2) My boyfriend hasn't told his family yet, even though we have met them a lot since I found I was pregnant. When I ask him why he hasn't done that yet he says that he doesn't know, but it only makes me feel as if he is ashamed or embarrassed of the situation.

3) I feel I am on my own here, cause I don't have any friends of mine. We only see his family and one of his friends (super rarely) while I literally hate his other best friend cause I believe he was very rude to me when we first met; he came over for coffee at our place and he spoke their language in heavy accent, so even though I speak their language I could not understand a thing, that kept going for like an hour even though by BF switched to English and then he left. Since then I don't want to have anything to do with him or his wife, given that after that they constantly invite my BF over for parties on his own. And today they told him they are also 13w pregnant and my BF went over to congratulate them and told told them about our pregnancy too and for the first time he actually opened the file from our ultra sound pictures just to see if he can spot the nub to show them... While he never did that before...

I don't know what to do.. I just feel that my baby and I don't belong here. What should I do?