Formula recommendations.

Emily • 5-13-16 🌈 👧🏼 💗 2-09-21 🌈 👦🏼 💙 Due: April 13, 2022 👦🏼💙
So I really wanted to breast feed my baby and pump and feed her as well. But my milk supply has went down drastically!! I've been put on 3 different meds to help with supply and nothing has helped. So I'm looking for a really good formula to use. I tried Enfamil gentlease for fussiness, gas and crying. She takes it very well doesn't seem to mind it. But when I burp her she not only spits up. It's so much coming up it looks more like she's vommitting at least half. Is there any formula that any one reccomends??? She's 3 months and 2 days old.