So stressed

So.. We had our baby shower this past weekend that we had to plan all on our own because my mom and sister just kept saying oh we will do it but would never actually plan anything for it I had a good time and all but I'm so hurt like we expected so much more people to come some people chose to say they couldn't go last minute. My brothers had a car show and arrived super late and we barley received any gifts I'm still very thankful for everyone who did go and gave us the gifts but my brothers didn't even bring me gifts 💔everybody else being first time parent are so loved and spoiled like my brothers girlfriend due months after me already has most of the stuff she needs and they didn't even bring me a gift 💔 we have his playpen up whee my son will be sleeping in the beginning but we have no room for his clothes and other things becuase his nursery isn't even ready yet... I have less than a month his due date is September 7 but he's measuring further along ughh I feel like crap and I just wanna cry.....