Our little rainbow baby decided to come 3 weeks early

Our little rainbow baby decided to come 3 weeks early! My water broke at the office before a cervical check, went to the hospital where they broke my forebag. Once they did that his little hand hated the internal fetal monitoring device so he reached his little hand out and grabbed it! I labored to 8 cm, the provider attempted 3 times to reduce his hand. He was so stubborn we decided it was safest to have a c section instead of risking a huge tear, and a babies broken wrist. After the c section the doctor expressed how glad she was wet decided to do the c section. He was posterior and his cord was between his scapula, so once we got to complete we would have had huge dips in our little mans heart rate and ended up as a stat c section. Thankfully all turned out well and he is a healthy beautiful baby boy!