Underweight and pregnant

Kiara • Hi! My name is Kiara.
I've been 85 pounds my whole life. I've tried EVERYTHING and still couldn't gain more than 5 pounds including shakes. I'm 33 weeks pregnant and weigh 99 pounds. I'm taking my prenatals. I eat when I'm hungry now because everything makes me sick. The baby weighs 3.5 lbs. My boyfriend says I need to eat more, and that everytime I go to the doctors they look at me like I have no meat on my bones and am anorexic and that the doctor looks at him like "what's wrong with her." I feel like I embarrass him. I feel like I'm ugly and like he doesn't love me for who I am. I've been called anorexic my whole life and now my boyfriend is saying it. He says I'm starving the baby. He says that the baby is malnourished. Now I don't want to leave the house because I'm embarrassed of myself and don't want to eat. Ugh