Need to vent

So my due date is December 10th. And today my SOs mom texted him asking him when I'm due so she can fly out herself, his 3 sisters and his grandmother over Christmas to come see the baby. Background is that his mom lives in Rhode Island, 2 of his sisters live in Hawaii and his older sister and grandmother live in Minnesota. My SO has had a horrible relationship with his mother growing up and they are working on making things better. But she is very manipulative and very selfish. So when she told him that they were all flying out to see us we very politely told her that we really didn't want a whole bunch of people around the baby right after she is born and asked if they could come see her in January or February. We also told her that our lease is up in November so we won't even be completely settled into our new place and it's going to be a very stressful time for us. Well apparently this was the most offensive thing that we could have possibly asked. Over text she told us that she'll tell his sisters that they're a burden and that we don't won't them to meet the baby. That when she had my boyfriend everyone came out to see her. That his 13 year old sister was so upset and didn't understand why she wasn't allowed to see the baby. And many more things to make us feel guilty. I understand why they want to come out here. But with it being the holidays and cold and flu season I don't want so many people around my new baby. And I think it's my right to get to decide that. As selfish as that may be. The end of this whole coversation saying that they were still flying out and they were going to go to Tahoe (which is like 1 and a half hour away from us) and that we could explain to the family why we won't let them see the baby then. I am beyond furious. Frustrated to tears and I don't know what to do.