I really need advice

If I could get as many responses as possible, I would really appreciate it even if it's small. 
So I'm 2 months pregnant. And I am SO ridiculously stressed it makes me feel sick.
The man that I'm with now is great. He's nice, he takes care of me. We've only been together for 4 months, and I'm pregnant with his child. We don't have the same sense of humor, the same motives, the same home lifestyle, and I'm really really afraid that we won't work out. I want it to because I'm having his child and our families have been so supportive. I was in a relationship for 3 years before and things were going so great and ended up not working out. But now I feel so trapped by this child and almost claustrophobic. I feel like Im still learning about him and so far, we just don't match. I don't know if I want to leave him, or if my hormones are getting the better of me, but I'm just so lost in keeping this family together. He's been so great with everything, and I just don't want to ruin anything.