Weird disconnect with husband

Can anyone relate? Or maybe break down why I feel this way... 
But it's the strangest thing. I have been with my husband for 8 years now. And we are still in the honeymoon phase. We constantly flirt, we are passionate, we are loving, and we all around just gush over each other. 
But I have the strangest feeling that if something were to break us apart, I would get over him in a heart beat. I can't begin to describe this feeling. I am so in love with him but I also feel so disconnected at the same time. I have never loved someone so much but also been okay with it possibly not working out...
Am I just too independent that I know I can live happily without him?  
I feel like emotionally I am prepared for him to cheat on me or leave me. That I am ready to move on with in a blink of an eye. 
Is this even normal?