Okay ladies...

A few weeks ago I broke up with my boyfriend. I had sex with another guy shortly after to try and get over him (unprotected sex). He said he didn't cum but I haven't started my period. I was supposed to start today, and my last period was 9 days late. I've been eating pretty bad and working out everyday, but that's nothing I don't usually do. Do y'all think I am pregnant? I don't have any signs besides a late period and lower back pain (hopefully bc of my soon-to-come period). I'm also a minor so I can't get an abortion without parental consent. Luckily I had sex with a guy who is also a minor. Me and my boyfriend are back together but he's 19, and my dad wiould jump at the chance to charge him with statutory rape. Please don't insult me or make me feel bad about my choices; I just wanna know if I could be pregnant and what I should do.
Furthermore: We had rough sex and he didn't stop when I told him to, so I just laid there and took it... Anyways could that have thrown off my period?