Dog problems

Hey so.
My husband and I have a Blue Heeler who is just over a year old. We trained with her really well when we got her about six months ago. Lately she's been really testing her boundaries and not listening to us. We have attributed it to pregnancy and we know there are some changes she has to get used to as well.
She's my husbands dog but I am the one who cares for her the most since I am at home with her most of the time. We just hit our third trimester so we have slowly started implementing new boundaries. (Basically she's not allowed in our bedroom and she's never been allowed in our spare bedroom/now nursery). We have been keeping up with her attention needs and we often take her out to dog parks or to one of our friends houses where she plays with her dogs which our dog loves.
Lately in the last couple weeks she has started to get more aggressive (mostly towards me). She will bark at us if we tell her to stop something, she does not listen to us at all, and tonight when I was putting her in her kennel for the night like I always do she bit me when I went to pet her head before shutting the gate on the kennel (like I always do, every night)
Wondering if anyone has any tips on how to help doggies deal with the changes. Or anything we could be missing? Obviously I do not want to simply rehome her because we love her. I plan on talking to a trainer as well but thought I'd ask here in the mean time since I'm not super familiar with dogs.
Edit: she is fixed too incase anyone is wondering. I forgot to add that in as well.