Looking for cycle buddies! 9/2

Julie • Married the love of my life in July 2016 and we welcomed our first little one into the world on October 3rd, 2017! Currently pregnant with our second little love. ♥️
Hi everyone - I'm pretty new to this. I'm Julie, 31 (going to be 32 next month), and I just married my hubby on July 9th. We just started trying to conceive after getting off of the BC pill (10 years of taking it). I've had one cycle off the pill so far, so this is our first month really trying.
At this point, I'm not using any ovulation tests or anything additional (Preseed, etc) since we are quite early in this process.
AF is due on 9/2, I'm on CD 12 and I've been having what I think is ovulation pain for the last day (started last night and continued into today, along with some bloating and not quite diarrhea). I'm still getting used to feeling all of these things since I never did on BC. 
Looking forward to connecting with other ladies with similiar cycles and situations!