I'm so confused

My last normal period was July 16th. I was on the patch I was adviced to go off it for awhile and let me regulate first. Well I took it off and 6 days later was having bleeding but it only lasted for 5 hours out of 2 days. The rest was all spotting, normally my periods are heavy I barely used 1 pad throughout the day. I've also been having cramping for 2 weeks I went to the doctors everything is normal they said it doesn't sound to be anything in my intestines I don't have a UTI everything is normal, I even had an ultrasound that was normal too.  I'm extremely bloated, and exhausted . My belly is starting to take a shape. I'm never bloated exhausted or have cramping around my period. All the pregnancy tests I've taken were negative. I don't know what's going on. I have a 4 month old son and it's just like when I was pregnant with him, except the spotting. I'm so bloated even most or not some of my old maternity clothes barely fit me.can anyone explain this??