My birthing plan has most likely changed 😢

Lalanna • I have a 4 yr old son a wonderful husband and his family. After a miscarriage in Oct of 2015 I found out I had cancer in Dec 2015 and then found out I was pregnant in Jan of 2016.
So today I went for my nst ( non stress test ) and to see my doc. They did an ultra sound right after my stress test to see what position baby is in. No surprise to me but she is breech and she has been that way most of my pregnancy. I really want to have a vaginal birth this time cause I didn't get one with my first child but my doc told me that baby girl being breech is a big concern and there is a slim chance of me having a vaginal birth. I am disapointed but I understand they just want baby girl to come out safely. I'm just a bit flustered cause what I want I most likely won't get as far as my birthing plan But I do hope to have a healthy baby girl.